ALEF 2020: A Tradition of Innovation

Experts and thought leaders from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem spoke to a full house at the Four Seasons Resort on January 19 during the Annual Leadership Education Forum (ALEF). Titled “A Tradition of Innovation: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Future of Israeli Society, Technology and Medicine,” the conference highlighted fields ranging from health, agriculture, and nanotechnology to the humanities, environment, and life sciences through Israeli innovations shaping the global tomorrow.

The uniquely interactive event featured Adm. James Stavridis, USN (Ret.) as the keynote speaker, who spoke about “Unlocking the Middle East and the Role of Israel.” Adm. Stavridis has a lengthy resume, including NATO’s 16th Supreme Allied Commander Europe and 15th Commander of the U.S. European Command (2009-2013); Head of U.S. Southern Command (2006-2009); Dean of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University (2013-2018); Chief International Security Analyst for NBC News; Operating Executive, The Carlyle Group; Chair, Board of Counselors of McLarty Global Associates

Other topics included advances in computational medicine, repairing DNA using advanced genomic methods, bioengineering future meat technologies, and the Hebrew University’s IDF partnerships. Professor Asher Cohen, President of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Professor Shy Arkin, the Arthur Lejwa Professor of Structural Biochemistry, made special appearances.

This year’s chairpersons were Ety Alcalay, Dr. Myles Krieger, and Mazal Yehezkely.