LEAD Cohort II Mission Highlights

The AFHU Leadership Empowerment and Development (LEAD) Israel Mission was intense, inspiring, and invigorating! From June 6-14, LEAD members traveled throughout Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to learn about—and become immersed in—the exciting research and innovation taking place at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU).  

During their time together, LEAD members bonded with each other and with the Hebrew University. LEAD participants met with HU dignitaries including Hebrew University President, Prof. Asher Cohen; Vice President for University Advancement, Ambassador Yossi Gal; and Vice President for Strategy and Diversity, Prof. Mona Khoury. They visited labs, met with students and researchers, and learned about myriad departments and programs, including: HU’s Urban Clinic; the Institute of Archaeology; the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food, and Environment; the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies; Asper HUJI-Innovate, HU’s center for innovation and entrepreneurship; Yissum, the university’s technology transfer company; the Rachel and Selim Benin School of Computer Science and Engineering; and more.  

The group spent a day and a half in Tel Aviv with HU alumni and visited the HESEG Foundation, the Tel Aviv Museum, and Start-Up Nation Central, saving time for a tour of the Carmel Market led by HU Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Food Science, and Nutrition, Zohar Kerem. On the final day of the mission, participants traveled to the Ein Kerem campus to learn about the Faculty of Medicine, the new Center for Computational Medicine, the Faculty of Medicine’s School of Pharmacy, and the Kuvin Center for the Study of Infectious and Tropical Diseases.  

In discussing their collective experience, LEAD members described what they felt were the highlights of the trip: meeting students, professors, and leaders and hearing their stories; understanding the importance of the relationship between the Hebrew University and the state of Israel; learning about HU’s diversity programs and meeting student ambassadors; realizing the impact of HU throughout the world, including meet and greets with international students from the Smith Faculty of Agriculture; witnessing the easy interactions between students and faculty, seeing the drive and excellence of students throughout the university; and understanding how passionate donors are about HU.  

While the trip is over, the LEAD journey has only just begun. We look forward to working with participants as they continue their exploration of HU’s many accomplishments and deepen their commitment to AFHU.