American Friends of the Hebrew University (AFHU) is delighted to present Leadership Empowerment and Development (LEAD). LEAD is an elite leadership training program designed to develop the next generation of leaders for AFHU in support of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

AFHU LEAD is an 18-month program that includes three US-based seminars featuring in-depth leadership training, educational seminars, networking, and social opportunities. In addition, a week-long Israel experience, in which participants are hosted by the Hebrew University, provides a behind-the-scenes look at the start-up nation. LEAD webinars offer exclusive access to Hebrew University innovation, research breakthroughs, and new technologies designed for global impact, while mentoring and networking opportunities with influential AFHU and HU leaders provide unique access and entrée within the philanthropic and professional spheres.

Each AFHU LEAD cohort consists of 12 outstanding individuals, ages 30-50, from across the United States, who are interested in taking on meaningful leadership roles with AFHU. Learn more about LEAD Cohort I Graduates and LEAD Cohort II Graduates.

LEAD members and graduates are the future of AFHU and represent the best and brightest of the next generation of LEADership. See below for more information about eligibility, cost, and program dates.

Download LEAD Cohort III Flyer to learn more.


AFHU LEAD participants are leaders, between the ages of 30-50, who have an interest in innovation, Israel, and global solutions that will change the world. These individuals are creative, forward-thinkers, intent on making a difference, and have the drive and capacity to assume a leadership position. LEAD members are change agents driven to do well by doing good. Participants are not required to have previous AFHU experience or giving.


AFHU LEAD is fully funded through the generosity of donors and supporters who believe in the mission and future of AFHU. Upon completion of the program, there is a suggested contribution of $5,000 toward a LEAD class gift.


LEAD Cohort III Dates


For more information or to apply, contact Laura Abrams, Leadership Development Director, at 561.948.3344 or [email protected].